Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fast Forward --->

This weekend we attended a wedding in Nevada.  My husband performed the wedding ceremony and The Girl was the Flower Girl.  She LOVES to dress up, get her hair done, and wear *a little bit of* make-up.  The wedding was at 6:00, but we needed to be ready well before that for pictures with the photographer, which meant = NO NAP.  That's a quick fix:
Don't judge me.  :)

Watching my little Girl all dresssed up as a miniature bride, put my mom-brain on a 20 year fast forward.  I'll admit it, I was a little emotional...what will her husband be like?  Where will her wedding be?  Will she be nervous?  My thoughts raced, so to distract myself from getting too emotional, I snapped pictures like crazy!

 This is one of my absolute FAVORITE pictures of The Girl:

Watching Daddy perform the ceremony:

Could she be any cuter???
Not that I'm partial or anything...  :)

She was being a bit of a goof ball.

Here's The Girl and, who she kept calling, "Her Prince".  AKA:  The Ringbearer.

"I need to tell you a secret!"

I think I'm in trouble in 20 years.  But in the words of Scarlett, "I won't think about that today.  I'll go crazy if I do.  I'll think about that tomorrow."