Tuesday, January 22, 2013

MLK Jr. Day

Yesterday was MLK Jr. Day, and that means I had the day off to spend with my family. We had some super-fun plans, but life happens, so this was how I spent my afternoon:

Boy #1 with what turned out to be a (thankfully) not-broken foot.

In other news, we asked Boy #2 (a1st grader) if he knew why we celebrated MLK Jr. Day. "He made things more fair between people with peach skin and people with brown skin."

And that, folks, in a nutshell was my MLK Jr. Day.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Dear 2013

Dear 2013,

I'm sure lots of people have been making you promises they can't (?) keep.  I'm not here to do that.  As of right now, you're a crisp, clean, new sheet of paper for each and every person.  You have no scribbles, crossed out covenants, eraser marks, or bent corners.  I won't fill you with meaningless words.  I won't crumple you up and toss you out without giving you a chance.  But rest assured, I will make my mark on you. 

How?  I'm not sure yet.  Maybe you will be my parchment for a beautifully lived sonnet that re-kindles my passions in life.  Maybe I will make you into a paper airplane and travel to new destinations in life and reach new heights.  Maybe you will be a canvas where I will express the many colors that are Me. 

In the end, I have no doubt that you will have scribbles, crossed out covenants, eraser marks, or bent corners.  But they will be valuable because I made them, and I learned from them. 

Here's to you, 2013.  The possiblilites are endless, so let's see what I can make with you.