Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why not? My Election Soapbox.

Obama. Romney. Biden. Ryan. Democrat. Republican. Libertarian. Green. I agree.  I don't agree.  I'm not sure.  Pro-life.  Pro-choice.  ObamaCare.  No to ObamaCare.  Crumbling Economy.  Improving Economy.  Taxes.  More taxes.  Money. Money. Money.

These are just a smidgen of the thoughts that are bombarding us today.  And since politicians are using their soapboxes, just this once, so will I.  I'm not a "stand-on-my-soapbox-and-scream-until-I'm-heard" kind of girl, but I am going to take a small step onto my soapbox today.

I'm not going to get into the whole issue of parties, platforms, or politics.  But I AM going to say:  IF YOU ARE OF AGE, GO VOTE!  This is a much-coveted freedom that many in the world do not have, and many Americans are so apathetic, indifferent, or undisciplined that they will not exercise this freedom, this right. 

It's sad to say that we live in a country where if you don't completely agree with any candidate, you simply don't vote.  When my husband and I were buying a house, I'll admit, we were pretty picky.  Finally, our realtor told us that it's very unusual to find EVERYTHING, 100% the way you want it.  She told us to find a house we could live with (and in), to hold on to our "must-haves" and be willing to compromise in other areas.  If we weren't able to see it that way, we would still be living in a place we were un-happy in.  I apply this same logic to my voting.  I'm not going to 100% agree with anyone.  I have to look at which candidate I could "live with" being in the White House.

I will also give fair warning: If you are able to vote and choose not to, please do not bombard me with your complaints, negativity, and/or propaganda.  I understand that it's your right (freedom of speech), but this is my request.  You had your chance to let your voice be heard.  You didn't.  Your choice, I  get it.  But it's somewhat ironic that the people you choose not to vote for are the ones upholding your right to "not vote".

Stepping down from the soapbox now.


  1. I almost didn't vote this year. With all our moving our state of residency had me down as an inactive voter and I thought it would be too much work to change the status. Hubby and a couple friends were on my back and with a very simple phone call lasting less than 5 minutes my ballot was on it's way. I am glad I did vote because now I can't say that I didn't do anything about the election -- I did my duty!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I did vote but I know A LOT of people who did not. THEY said, "You have the right to vote, and I have the right not to vote. Voting is nobody else's business but their own. People do not have the right to tell me how, when, or if I should vote." I have to say, "I agree." Maybe they should vote for a plethora reasons, but... That's the GREAT thing about America... It's a FREE country to do what we want (well, at least in respect to voting). And I also agree that if one chooses to forsake his vote, they have no room to complain, rant, etc.

    1. I agree. If the government went in and MADE everyone vote, it's no different than denying everyone the right to vote...just opposite extremes. I just wish all Americans would take an active part in shaping our country.
