Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Balancing Act

Do you remember the scene in The Cat in the Hat when the Cat is balancing everything? I often feel as though I’m trying to balance a million things at a time—my family (husband and 3 kids), my job (very time-consuming!), my household (does laundry multiply?), my schoolwork (almost done!), and life in general.

I know what my priorities SHOULD be, but when I look at my life…well, I don’t see my time divided out the same way. Lately I’ve found myself feeling like I need to re-prioritize my life. I’ll be done with my Master’s degree in a little over a month (insert screams of joy and elation here). That alone will free up a lot of my time. But I’m still a wife, mother, pastor’s wife, principal, and teacher. Each of these roles requires time, attention, and a different aspect of who I am. Almost every day I feel like there isn’t enough time in one day. Very often, I see my kids for about 30 minutes in a whole day. I know that’s not healthy for them or me, but I how do I change it? People are always needing my time, attention, thoughts, advice, etc.

I have come to the realization, however, that I have to re-prioritize my time management. I don’t have any answers about how to do this or a 10 step process that will automatically give me results. All I can say for now is that I’m trying.

Do you ever find yourself re-prioritizing? What do you do to stay on track?

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