Monday, January 2, 2012

A little about me and the purpose of my blog...

Hello!  And welcome to my new attempt at blogging.  I will admit, this is my second attempt, with my first being an utter failure.  It had no direction and I did it, just to do it. 

I think we're all pretty familiar with the the analogy of "wearing many different hats".  In life, we have many roles; woman/man, husband/wife, brother/sister, mother/father, daughter/son, worker/boss, the list could go on and on.  And like a beautifully cut jewel has many facets that each reflect light differently, so it is that each person is like a carefully crafted jewel with each facet  refelecting a different part of his/her being.  These facets can reflect personality, roles you play in life, past, present, and hopes of the future. 

This blog will explore the many hats I wear as I also discover the facets of my personality and who God created me to be. 

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