Monday, July 16, 2012

On Adoption: Part 1

Adoption.  It gets a bad rap/wrap/ know what I mean. many times has a frustrated or angry sibling told a fellow sibling they were adopted?  It's in movies and stories quite often.

What's so wrong with being adopted?  It means that a mother or couple decided they weren't able to care for a child, and instead of terminating a life, they chose to give that child a new life...a life where hope was possible. 

These, often single mothers, are categorized as "irresponsible", "immature", "irrational" people.  Well who hasn't been irresponsible, immature, or irrational at some point in their lifetime?  Is it irresponsible, immature, and irrational to get pregnant when you aren't able to care for a child?  YES.  But choosing to carry a child, feel that child growing inside of you, connect with that child, and then be able to give that child away because you realize someone else would do what you, at the moment, are unable to do takes INTENSE responsibility, maturity, and rational thought. 

Don't be so quick to cast lots.  Be slow to speak (judgement).  Be quick to listen (to people's stories).  Because "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." 

Believe me.  I know.  (More to come...)

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