Sunday, March 24, 2013

Important vs. Necessary

I've found myself thinking about what's really Important in life versus what is Necessary in life.  It's a complicated business trying to sort those 2 things out.  Interestingly enough, the same 4 things made the Top 4 of my 2 lists; Important vs. Necessary.

Faith, Family, Fun, and Finances are on the top of my list for both and in the same order for both lists.  So I guess the lists could have been combined into 1 list:  Important and Necessary.

My Faith is what drives me each day.  It's what gives me breath each day to keep doing what I do.  It is what lifts my heart when I feel like I can't go on.

My Family is my heart.  They are why I do the hard things in life.  I love them in such a deep way that I can't even begin to explain it in words.  Because no matter what, I will contibute and provide for them in every area - spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially.

Fun.  What is life without some a lot of fun woven throughout?  It's my family's favorite thing = Fun!

Finances...although a dirty business to talk about; finances are both important and necessary.  However, that being said, I also am learning that they are often the driving force of life choices, instead of what I feel peace in my heart about, the state of my family, and the fun we're able to have together.

So, my 2 lists: Important vs. Necessary came out the same.  And they look like respectable lists.  I like those lists.  They sit well with my morals, standards, and the feel-good-what-I-want-to-hear part of myself.  But then I challenged myself to make a 3rd list called: In Real Life.

That list came out like this:

Finances, Family, Fun & Faith (tie for 3rd). 

Hmm.  Not where I want to be.

To be honest, I'm not really sure how to change this yet.  I know that finances (aka: my job), should not be the driving force of my life, but reality says that it is.  I'm not the type to rationalize a situation when it isn't what I know it should be.  I try to take an honest approach and look at life the way it is vs. the way it should be.  Then I must decide.

It's time to sit back and re-evaluate things because (obviously) my Reality is far different than what is Important and Necessary. 

So, I don't have any answers right now, except to say that I must be more intentional about what I'm focusing on in life.

What about you?  How do you keep the Important and Necessary balanced with Reality?

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