Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wanted: A Hobby

Often, I find myself wishing I had a hobby - something fun that takes up my free time and that I enjoy doing.  I've tried sewing, but got frustrated and traded my machine to a friend for babysitting.  (Oh, yes I did!)  I cook and bake, but not enough or "fancy enough" to call it a true hobby.  I like to decorate my house/rooms in my house, but that costs money, and to be honest, I only decorate every once in awhile.  Who has time and money to decorate and re-decorate their house over and over?  I blog here, but (obviously), not enough that it's a true hobby.  I love to shop and find good deals, but I'm not sure that counts as a "hobby". 

And to be quite honest, I don't have a whole lot of free time, and the time I do have, I spend with my husband and kids.

After mulling this over for the last few weeks, I decided that my hobby is my husband and kids...they are "the fun that takes up my free time".

And I'm good with that.

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