Thursday, September 6, 2012


mad hatter by **tWo pInK pOSsuMs**
mad hatter, a photo by **tWo pInK pOSsuMs** on Flickr.
"You used to be much more muchier. You've lost your muchness."
~The Mad Hatter

I love this quote from Alice in Wonderland! And even though it sounds non-sensical, it makes sense. It's Lewis Carroll's version of "Carpe Diem". Lately, I've found myself examining who I am, who I've been, and who I want to be. And I have to ask myself, "Have I lost my muchness?" Am I living life to its fullest?

I like to think that I am. But I also must admit that it's very easy for me to put all of my time and energy into the "here and now" instead of thinking of the long-term. Will my kids remember me as the mom who worked all the time, or the mom who took time to help them with their homework, took them out for ice cream, or read a book with them?

I don't really have any answers, advice, or tutorials on how to keep your "muchness", but I'll be thinking on it. If I come up with any great ideas, I'll be sure to share.

Until then, what do you do to keep your "muchness"?

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