Thursday, June 28, 2012

A First

This week I had a "first".  (And ya know, the older you get, the less "firsts" there are to have, so I may as well document this one.)  It was my first time at a chiropractor.  Last week, I pulled/tweaked/hurt my shoulder pretty badly.  I could hardly move certain ways for fear of a stabbing pain in my shoulder.  Then, to make matters worse, we went on an 8 hour road trip (that turned out to be more like 10 hours due to a flat tire), slept in an unfamiliar hotel bed, then had the 8 hour trip back home...all in 5 days.  By the time we got home, it was not only my shoulder but my back and neck as well.  NOT FUN.

We have another long vacation/road trip soon, so I knew this couldn't be ignored.

I tried to heat it, ice it, rest it...nothing worked.  So I made an appointment with a chiropractor.  First, he checked my shoulder, neck, and back.  He found that my right vertebra are sitting higher than my left vertebra.  Then I had these little electric-muscle-stimulator-thingies (yes, that's the technical term) put on my back along with hot pads to loosen the muscles. 

Then the "adjusting" began.  Let me just tell's not what I expected.  I thought I would be a little pop here, crack there.  It sounded like someone was eating 5 bags of Pop Rocks in my neck, shoulder, and back. 

But the good news is, I feel better.  I'm still a little stiff, but there is definite improvement.  It made me wonder why I've never gone to a chiropractor before?

It was a good first.

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