Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Top Hat

Ringmaster by CloneTrooperCustoms
Ringmaster, a photo by CloneTrooperCustoms on Flickr.

Today's hat is a "Top Hat". Not because I'm feelin' fancy or because I'm in a mood to dress up. Rather, because I feel like a Ringmaster.

A Ringmaster. You know, the guy in the tux and top hat that directs all of the acts in a circus. That's how I feel right now. Like there are all these "acts" or parts of my life that need my direction, but as I'm trying to make sure the lions are under control, I have the clowns being naughty, and the trapeze artists zooming overhead. I'm trying to keep control, while keeping my eye on each act.

It's difficult. It's tedious, at times. It takes a lot of multi-tasking. But in then end "the show must go on".

Lord, give me the strength, wisdom, and ability to lead in the areas you have placed me.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Ones Who Call Me "Mom"...

The Reason For My Mother's Day

Okay, I LOVE the colors in the first 2 pics, but we had just had a long day at the zoo, and they weren't feelin' it.  But since these pics were taken on May 12, 2012, they are the super-duper recent pictures.  However, I have vowed to return to this fun, colorful spot to take more pics with my babies.

Silly Faces:  Necessary Fun!

Tigers Fans...raisin' these kids right!

Caleb 8 1/2

                                                                Dawson 6

                                                               Kinley 3

Saturday, May 12, 2012


...Continuing the story...

It all started one sunny Saturday after Caleb's t-ball game.  As we were driving home, Dawson (who was 2 at the time), said, "I want a baby!"  To which our immediate response was, "No! No more babies in our house!"

Exactly 2 days later, I realize I'm "late" and take a pregnancy test--but not really expecting anything.  I mean, c'mon many times have you taken a pregnancy test just to "know" you're NOT pregnant???  We've all been there.

Since I wasn't expecting anything newsworthy, I took the test on my lunch break at work.  As I finished washing my hands and turned to look at the test, I think my heart may have actually stopped for a few seconds.  Positive. 

My first words, "Oh, Lord Jesus..." 

I immediately went to Darrin's office.  (Yes, we're blessed to work in the same building.) I was still not speaking coherently, so I showed Darrin the test and the box (so he could tell it was positive). 

His first words, "I feel like I'm in a weird dream right now..."

About 3 weeks later, Caleb (5 1/2) says, "Just so you know, God told me that baby is a girl."

And he was right.  Kinley Joy was scheduled to be born on May 9, 2009, but my water broke on May 1, 2009.  Kinley was born at 11:11 am and was 6 pounds 10 ounces.

She is our princess, and we can't even begin to comprehend life without her!

5 is our perfect number.

And yes, we are minivan owners... :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Becoming a Mom- Part 2...4 is such a perfect number! (?)

I know, I know...I'm SO not focused on blogging right now.  What can I say?  Life is busy...

I already shared how I became Mom the first time.  If you haven't read it yet, you can read my previous posts.  If you have read it, you know that we struggled with infertility issues.  Because of that, after Caleb was born, we did not prevent all.  If God gave us 2 kids smack-dab-in-a-row, that was just fine with us! still took well over a year to get pregnant again.

We had just gotten home from a trip to visit family in MI, where by the way, my mom had just asked if we were EVER going to have another grand baby for her.  I had been feeling a little "off" lately- no morning sickness, I just didn't feel right.  So, I took a pregnancy test, and sure enough, I was pregnant. 

I was pretty sure all along that we would have nothing but boys.  My husband's family is heavy on testosterone (boys).  And, being a science teacher, I know that the sex of the baby comes down to what's in Dad.  Sure enough, I was right...boy #2 was on his way!

My first pregnancy was high risk (pre-ecclampsia and Caleb had to be born at 36 weeks), so they were carefully monitoring me on this one.  Sure enough...pre-ecclampsia showed itself again = C-section again.  This time, because we knew a C-section was required, we were able to schedule it.  Darrin's parents flew in to take care of Caleb, and I was off to the hospital on February 27, 2006.  I'll spare you all the c-section details, except to say that everything went well.  I know people have all these horror stories about c-sections, but all of mine went great.  Ok.  Back to the subject at hand.  Dawson Christopher, 6 pounds 10 ounces, was healthy, and we were released 2 days later.  (And don't even get me started on the whole you're-out-of-the-hospital-in 2-days-even-if-you've-just-been-cut-open soapbox...just sayin'.)

We were now a happy family of 4!  What a perfect number!  2 children fit very comfortably in the back seat of any vehicle (no minivan needed!).  Hotel rooms are booked for 4 people.  There's a perfect 1 parent to 1 child ratio.  Seats on roller coasters are in sets of 2 so when the boys grow up I could ride with one and Darrin could ride with the other.  Oh, the perfection of a family of 4!

Stay tuned...this story ain't over...